Welcome to my humble home on the web.
Feel free to take a look around. I’m not entirely sure why I still have this, but I do, and you’re here. So, welcome! You’ll find links in the menu bar above where you can navigate to all of my weird little writings, musings, slightly crappy artwork, and even a few papers I’ve submitted for school. Keep scrolling down if you’d like to know a little bit more about who “I” am.
Who is Sericane?
Who am I? Who are you? Who is anyone?
I’ve been a mail carrier, a pizza delivery driver, a cashier, a customer service rep, a courier, a banker in a casino, even a “Sandwich Artist”, among other things. Currently, however, I am a C.O. at a State Correctional Institute. I always have some sort of day (or night) job. Bills must get paid, after all. Clearly, however, my love lies with writing. I just haven’t been able to figure out how to make it a profitable hobby.
I am a mother to a set of almost ten year old twins, whom so happened to steal my birthday, as well as an ornery little toddler who will be two at the beginning of 2025. I was born the youngest of three in June of 1992. I am a wifey (because after 15 years, “girlfriend” just sounds juvenile), an occasional writer, ranter (Is that even a word? It is now, I suppose), poet, and artist. At the end of April, 2023 I graduated Cum Laude from SNHU with my BA in English Language and Literature with a minor in Psychology. I am a HUGE live music fan. Rock shows are my happy place. In a nutshell, I am not quite where I want to be in life, but I am where my past-selves always wanted to be, so I call that progress.
Over the years my dreams have changed and adapted to the reality that I am forced to live. I’ve wanted (and still want, if I’m being honest) to go to law school, become an investigative journalist, and even work with music artists to write chart topping songs for them. I know these are pipe dreams, though. Truthfully, I just want to work with words. Be that writing original work or editing to help improve other people’s creations, as long as I’m contributing to the creative process, I’m happy. Realistically, however, I simply hope to become a better person overall. A better provider, a better mother, a better wifey, and someone who just might change some lives for the better. I hope to be proof that even in this age of technology where everyone is connected to the point of being disconnected, that words have power. Words can change a person, a nation, and even the world if we just considered the words we used more carefully and had the strength to speak our truths when the situation calls for it. Words have impact. I intend to use them to the best of my ability to help create a world that I won’t be afraid to send my children into.
Also, my name is Julia. Nice to meet ya. 🙂
P.S. For those of you curious as to the origin of the name “Sericane” (probably none of you): many moons ago (2007-2008ish) myself and a group of former online RPG friends decided to create new character names for each other. They came up with Sericane for me. For some reason, it just sort of stuck in my head and I’ve been using it regularly ever since. When I’m not trying to be entirely “professional”, that is.